Bird Flight and Migration

Characterization of bird formations using fuzzy modelling

Upwash exploitation and downwash avoidance by flap phasing in ibis formation flight.

Matching times of leading and following suggest cooperation through direct reciprocity during V - formation flight in ibis
Voelkl B, Portugal SJ, Unsöld M, UsherwoodJR, Wilson AM & Fritz J (2015). Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences 112 (7) 2115–2120.

Relation between travel strategy and social organization of migrating birds with special consideration of formation flight in the northern bald ibis.
Voekl B & Fritz J (2017). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 372:20160235.

Empirical evidence for energy efficiency using intermittent gliding flight in Northern Bald Ibises. Frontiers in Biology.
Mizrahy-Rewald O, Perinot E, Fritz J, Vyssotski AL, Fusani L, Voelkl B & Ruf T (2022). Frontiers in Biology.

Soaring and intermittent flap-gliding during migratory flights of Northern Bald Ibis
Wehner H, Fritz J, & Voelkl B. (2022) Journal of Ornithology, 671–681.
Bird Migration Physiology

Energy Expenditure and Metabolic Changes of Free-Flying Migrating Northern bald ibis.
Bairlein F, Fritz J, Scope A, Schwendenwein I, Stanclova G, van Dijk G, Meijer HAJ, Verhulst S & Dittami J (2015). PLoS ONE 10 (9) e0134433.

The effect of flights on hematologic parameters in Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita).
Stanclova G, Schwendenwein I, Merkel O, Kenner L, Dittami J, Fritz J & Scope A (2017). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 48(4): 1154–1164.
Wind Tunnel Technology

A low-cost wind tunnel for bird flight experiments.
Grogger H, Gossar M, Makovec M, Fritz J, Voelkl B, Neugebauer K, Amann F. (2022). Journal of Ornithology, 163, 599–610.
NBI Genetics

Optimizing the genetic management of reintroduction projects: genetic population structure of the captive Northern bald ibis population.
Wirtz, S., Böhm, C., Fritz, J., Kotrschal, K., Veith, M. & Hochkirch A (2018). Conservation Genetics 19/ 4: 853–864.

Isolation of microsatellite loci by next-generation sequencing of the critically endangered Northern bald ibis, Geronticus eremita.
Wirtz S, Böhm C, Fritz J, Hankelnd T & Hochkirch A (2016). Journal of Heredity, 107 (4) 363–366.
NBI Conservation and Translocation

Back into the wild: establishing a migratory Northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita population in Europe.
Fritz, J., Kramer, R., Hoffmann, W., Trobe, D. & Unsöld, M. (2017). Int. Zoo Yb. 51: 107–123.
NBI Biology , Ecology and History

Tracing the fate of the Northern Bald Ibis over five millennia: An interdisciplinary approach to the extinction and recovery of an iconic bird species.
Fritz J & Janák J (2022). Animals

On the road to self - sustainability: reintroduced migratory European northern bald ibises Geronticus eremita still need management interventions for population viability.
Drenske S, Radchuk V, Scherer C, Esterer C, Kowarik I, Fritz J & Kramer-Schadt S (2023). ORYX.

Quantification of Foraging Areas for the Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) in the Northern Alpine Foothills: A random forest model fitted with data fusion of optical and actively sensed earth observation data.
Wehner H, Huchler K, Fritz J, et al.(2022). Remote Sensing, 14, 1-13..

The cultivable autochthonous microbiota of the critically endangered Northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita).
Spergser, J, Loncaric, I, Tichy, A, Fritz, J & Scope A (2018). PLoS ONE 13(4).
Handicaps of Biologging

The impact of shape and attachment position of biologging devices in Northern Bald Ibises
Mizrahy-Rewald O, Winkler N, Voelkl B, Grogger H, Ruf T & Fritz J (2023). Animal Biotelemetry.

Biologging is suspect to cause corneal opacity in two populations of wild living Northern Bald Ibises
Fritz J, Eberhard B, Esterer C, Goenner B, Trobe D, Unsöld M, Voelkl B, Wehner H & Scope A (2020). Avian Research 11:38, 1-9.